Product Details


Each gm contains:

Tetracycline Hydrochloride I.P          50 mg


Tetracycline Hcl is administered in drinking Water


Poultry: Prevention: 2.5 gm in 4.5 lit of drinking water

Treatment:  5 gm in 4.5 lit of drinking water

Large Animals: 2.5 to 5 gm  /kg body weight

Small Animals: 1 gm / kg body weight.



Calf Diphteria,Foot Rot,Acute Mestitis,Pneumonia

Antrax,Acute Metritis,Black quarter,Scours.

Infections following operation wounds,Delivery Dystokia

Retention of Placenta.

Calf Penumonia,Secondary infections associated with

Rinderpest,Mucosal complex,Foot and mouth

and canine Distemper.



Pack:100 gms,500 gms,1 kg

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